Developers Web Service/API Details
Great! You've made the decision to integrate with our API / Webservice. This page is dedicated to getting you or your development team started fast! No need to wait, you don't have to talk to anyone to have access to our test API.
Step 1 Download and become familiar with the documentation
We've created a Downloadable PDF for our documentation. This way you don't have to constantly refer to our website.
Step 2 Connecting to our test API
Now that your familiar with our documentation, you can use the following credentials to access our test api. The only thing you'll need to change when ready for production is your login credentials.
Username: lvws_test
Password: lvws_test
Step 3 Moving to Production
Once you're ready to move to production, visit the pricing page and Select a Plan that meets your data needs. The username/password you create during signup is also your new production API username/password. Update your app with the new information and you're live!
Changing plans to meet your needs is also made easy. Upgrading your plan happens instantly, while downgrading is scheduled. For details on managing your subscription, see our API Documentation.
Questions I'd like to ask about something
If you still have questions feel free to contact as at