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Real Estate License Records
API Searchable License Records
Participating Jurisdictions

Our Service Is it right for your needs?

Our web service gives you access to over 2,933,400 real estate license records. We receive licensee data directly from participating jurisdictions, most updated daily.

With the ARELLO Licensee Verification Web Service, you can fully automate searches of our database and take the work out of licensee verification.

API Searchable Records Why is the total API Searchable Licenses less than the total Real Estate Licenses?

Our database contains records from both National Association of Realtors® (NAR) and those submitted by Jurisdictions. NAR records are not included with the web service and are only available on via manual search.

NAR Records Why aren't National Association of Realtors (NAR) records available via the API?

Our agreement with NAR allows us to make it available via the manual search but prohibits us from making this available via our web service.

Jurisdiction Participation Why don't all States/Jurisdictions have data available?

Not all States/Jurisdictions are members of ARELLO and not all members submit data. Some States/Jurisdictions may be active but are prohibited by law from sharing this data. We actively encourage membership and participation with ARELLO services while highlighting the benefits to doing so. However, participation is not a requirement of membership with ARELLO.

Bulk Downloads Why doesn't ARELLO offer a bulk download option?

ARELLO's mission is focused on supporting real estate regulators and their jurisdictions. We do not offer a bulk download of licensee data due to conflicts with many of our member jurisdiction's existing laws, policies and privacy concerns.

Some jurisdictions may independently offer bulk licensee data but we do not track that information. For a list of jurisdictions and their contact information click here.